Monday, August 17, 2009


So I had to pee.....and apparently I left the powder within a "Luke sized arms" reach. Came back out to this...

After dusting Luke off....I smelled that Taylor had pooped so while I changed her this happened....all within about 5 mins. :) Maybe he was trying to clean himself up from the powder? lol
Nick walked in....Luke's looking at him.....Miss Taylor again....she sooooo can't believe her brother did that. lol

So I had to pee.....and apparently I left the powder within a "Luke sized arms" reach. Came back out to this...then Taylor pooped and while I changed her this happened....all within about 5 mins. :) Maybe he was trying to clean himself up from the powder? lol


FilledToTheBrim - Kate said...

Oh my, they are into everything aren't they!?

Abbi said...

omg...too funny!!!

Devin said...

Oh, that is so funny and so not funny all at the same time! I've been there...good thing he is so cute, right? *hee hee*