Taylor: What's gonna be at the farm show?
Me: Lots of animals and maybe some tractors, farm stuff.
Luke: Lambies and Sheep! Cause I LOVE Lambies and Sheep!
Taylor: Are there gonna be Bunnies and Kitties there? Cause I LOVE bunnies and kitties.
Me: I don't know we'll see.
Taylor: I bet there will be pink bunnies with dresses on, just like mine and they will be SOOOO CUTE!
Luke: I hate to tell ya Taylor, but real bunnies don't wear dresses and I've never seen a pink one.
Taylor: Luke be quiet. There is so.
Luke: Mom, can you tell her real bunnies don't wear dresses. :)
Luke: Mom, what kinda bread is this? {showing me play food}
Me: Type of bread called a baguette.
Luke: Ya know, this is the kind of bread that Jesus and the disciples ate together.
Taylor: I'm putting my wings on and I'm gonna fly way high, the whole way to heaven and you won't be able to reach me.
Luke: Yeah, we're going all by ourselves mom.
Me: What are you going to do there?
Luke: Well Jesus and God are hungry, so we're gonna take some food up to them.
Me: Really? What do they like to eat?
Taylor: Cookies.
Luke: And Pasta. We're gonna have dinner with them. :)
At just 11 weeks, I felt this baby moving...thought I was nuts but the nurse asked me if I felt movement because she felt him/her while checking the heart rate...and now at just 16 weeks I can see my belly moving from the outside. Crazy.
{the last part of Taylor's prayer last night...of course after listing off as many names as we'd possibly let her}
Taylor: I want to pray that Jesus would protect us from our enemies. And pray that Jesus would help me obey Mama and Daddy and that Jesus would give Mama and Daddy wisdom for decisions with the house and that Luke Michael Bair would love me. :) {♥ this girl}
{completely out of the blue} Luke: Mommy, do you know Jesus loves you ALL the time JUST the way you are because he made you? {I love when they take me off guard like that...I also love chasing them with the vacuum while they scream and run around, good times}
{Realized that Luke gave Ali, our dog more food which I didn't think he could reach, after explaining that they shouldn't feed Ali more than what I give him...} Luke: He was hungry Mom, so I got him some food. Taylor: {As she's hand feeding the dog} Mom, we have to feed him, we're babysitting him. :)
9 Months of Hudson Bradley
7 years ago