Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Things Happening

Lots of things have been happening.....sleep is not one of those things. lol Since Taylor is in the nursery with Luke and since they have been sick it's been crazy at night. Nick's getting better from his cold and I'm trying but the lack of sleep is prolonging it. 

Cute things....Taylor is reaching for our faces now, she likes touching them. Luke is a rolling man now and is even sitting up on his own for short periods. Taylor, she just wants to stand. Forget sitting. She likes to yell at the dog......she screams in delight when she sees him. Luke is continuing to fight his naps....screaming and screaming. He loves making fart noises and playing with his hands. Since he's been sick he would cough and end it with making all sorts of noises. His sore throat made some new sounds and he was having a ball with that. Taylor has been a bird about eating. The little stinker. Sometimes she decides she will scream. If I sing to her I can usually get her to finish. A bad habit. I'll tell ya........do a deer a female deer....ray....a drop of golden sun.......has been my saving grace. Dunno why it works, but it does. I've also been tricking her by adding some applesauce or bananas in when feeding her....it keeps her going in case she gets the sweets. :) Babies go to the doc for their 6 month appt. tomorrow....we'll see how their colds are and what they weigh now. :)


Lea Liz said...

Look at her, she's a little diva!!! It seems like they are doing things so fast!!! I bet they keep you so busy!!

Amri's World said...

Isn't she just the cutest .....