Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Taylor: OH MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS, Look Mommy, a stink bug in the sky! (on the ceiling)
Taylor: I know Luke, that's DISGUSTING! That stink bug is STINKY! Mommy, are you scared?
Me: Only if it flies at me.
Taylor: Oh okay, that's good.
Luke: Mommy, where is the stink bug going?
Taylor: Hmm, I don't know Luke.
Luke: He's going to get his toys.
Taylor: Oh okay.
Me: What kinda toys does a stink bug play with?
Luke: Fire trucks and spiders?
Me: Really?
Luke: Yup.


{before nap}
Taylor: Can I cuddle with Luke in his crib for just a little bit?
{So after "rock a baby" on the glider, I put them in Luke's crib together}
Luke: Look Mommy, we're cuddling.
Me: Aww
Taylor: Give me a kiss Luke.
{Luke gives her a kiss and a hug and says, SQUEEZE!}
Me: Okay, time to get in your crib Taylor.
Taylor: Can we cuddle a little bit more?


I tell Taylor I'm going out to eat with Tasia and Sara and she says, OHHH...."Will Abraham and Issac be there?" :)


Taylor: I'm coloring a picture for you Luke! {coloring a car}
Luke: OHHHH that's nice Tay-yer.
Taylor: Awww MAN! I dropped a marker Luke. LUKE! PICK IT UP!
Luke: {stops playing to go pick up her marker}
Taylor: Thank you Luke, that was nice.
Luke: Your welcome.
Taylor: {purposefully dropping another marker} LUKE! I dropped a marker again. Pick it up for me!
Luke: {stops playing to go pick up her marker}
Taylor: Thank you Luke, that was nice. Mommy, Luke's being nice to me!
Luke: Your welcome Tay-yer.

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