Wednesday, September 2, 2009


The days are over of sitting with them and RELAXING at the park. :) I waited to feed them their snack until we got there so I could get some time on the blanket with them. They wanna go...Luke wants to RUN. Maybe I should bring Ali to help me herd them. lol We had fun...when they started getting crazy...I put them back in the stroller and they SCREAMED...then we went to the swings and when I got them out, they SCREAMED......and cried and screamed until we left. They DID NOT wanna leave.

They crack me up...VERY into their cell phones.

Taylor swinging her arms around.

For YOU Mama

Talking to her phone

Being nosey

She still loves the wind in her hair. :)

She wants to know what everything is.

Smelling flowers

Excuse me...can I run now?'re not supposed to do that.

1 comment:

Lani said...

They are too cute!
I wish I had some good advice about the potty, but I really haven't gotten there. I thought, a while back that my daughter was ready, but it was a false alarm. They don't wake up dry from naps yet (a sign that they are ready), and they only tell me AFTER they go:) Have you seen MckMama's blog? She has some wise-sounding advice on how to start potty training in the top menu of her blog, that might help:) Good luck!