Babies are eating oatmeal now. They seem to like it. At first, they were a little confused about where their rice cereal went but now they are used to it. They are eating two meals and a snack now. Oatmeal and fruit, then a fruit or veggie, then oatmeal and veggie. I'm doing my best to mix up the colors of the rainbow for their
nutrition. Miss T really seems to love sweet peas and Luke loves bananas. They are grabbing everything in sight now. Especially Miss T. She grabs my cell phone, the spoon, the bowl...I really gotta watch her....I put her bowl where I think it's outta reach on her high chair and in 2 seconds she grabbed and flips it. There is no outta reach zone for her anymore. Luke is cute....he stares at his bowl, then me and open his mouth wide. They are wanting to play in the food. Not sure I'm as ready as they are. What a mess that will be. Do they make raincoats for these occasions? Nick looks forward to letting them feed themselves. He said "all we have to do then is clean them up." I'd rather feed them then get sweet potatoes out of their hair and eyes.
lol It will be fun to watch though. The stages are going so fast. They are both doing much better at eating. Taylor still bites her lips when she wants to pitch a fit but overall it's been much easier. I was playing peek-a-boo with them last night. Nick tried to video but they never fail to stare at the camera...you'd think they'd get used to it. I'll have to put some clips up. I have so much video, it's filling up my computer.
lol Anyhow, last night they were in their high chairs while we ate dinner and I'd duck below their trays and then pop up.......they were cracking up laughing. It was
sooo cute.

Why is it that the good shots are always the blurry ones....err
...they move too quick.
I need an "action" sport setting. lol
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