Sunday, December 22, 2013

Olivia got her first bloody lip. She didn't even cry but sweetest thing ever, Luke immediately laid his hand on her and prayed for Jesus to heal it. Then Olivia wanted to hug him several times. #sweethearts
Now Taylor cracked her head on the headboard...overheard this from the next room...
Luke: Ya want me to pray for your head Taylor?
Taylor: Yes.
Luke: Dear God I pray you'd heal Taylor's head in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Taylor: Thanks Luke. Now can you dance with me?

I've been letting the kids use my bathtub (that has jets)
Luke: Mom! Why didn't you turn the planes on? (Took me a few secs to get what he was saying lol)

Kids sang "O praise the one who paid my debt and raised this life up from the dead"....All the way home.... 
I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him. So now I give her to the Lord. For her whole life she will be given over to the Lord.” And we worshiped the Lord there. (1 Samuel 1:27-28)
We dedicated Olivia Eliana Bair to The Lord today. Can't wait to see what God has planned for her life. She lights up a room with her presence. Luke and Taylor also took today very seriously. As Olivia's big brother and sister, they are serious about teaching her about Jesus and pointing her to Him. #feelingveryblessed and thankful for family and small group family that we have who love on her. — with Lona Emenheiser and 15 others.

Tonight is the SECOND night ever that Olivia has slept in a crib. AND that crib resides in Taylor's room. I miss waking up and seeing her cuteness asleep. I miss her right beside my bed period.  Taylor's thrilled. 
Went to change Olivia and she handed me the diaper and said "diaper" then handed me a wipe and said "wipe"! She tries to actually use the wipe herself though. Lol
I adore that Olivia says "hey you" with a big grin, to Luke and Taylor when she sees them after naps and I hear it first thing in the morning from her.
Breakfast, A day and a half of school schedule and baths for all 3 kids done by 10:30am. #neverhashappened
(Yesterday nick took off work and we planned to go to Dutch wonderland, was scheduled about a month ago.) get all packed up, arrive when they open was closed weekdays since Tuesday  so we went to the fair.  so today we can go for a few hours after nicks meetings...)
Me: (to kids) Hope it's not real busy today at Dutch wonderland.
Luke: Why Mom? Don't you wanna learn to be patient? Cuz it would be better to learn to be patient then to play games and do whatever we want.
Taylor: We're really good at being patient all the time, but not always.

(Luke wanted to play hockey on his roller blades and be a goalie on them for the first time. He was super upset with me that I wouldn't let him wear his goalie mask with his roller blades. (because it's not a real one) He was doing great, kept saying how hard it was and his legs hurt but he kept going and didn't want to quit and was blocking LOTS of shots the stinker....then he fell on his butt HARD!)
Luke: MOM, that HURT!
Me: Sigh, Guess you should probably just give up hockey.
Luke: MOM! That's the meanest thing you've ever said to me! I'm NOT giving up.
Me: I didn't think you would.
Luke: Then don't even say that.
(later I decided he was stopping too many and I flicked it up in the air in)
Luke: MOM!
Me: What? That was pretty cool huh?
Luke: Mom, that's prideful of you.
Me: I'm excited, I never scored like that before.
Luke: I was a good score but you don't need to be so prideful about it.
(this kid is no joke, so serious, 24-7, I try to make him laugh while he plays...told him he should play for the "stinkerpots" and I'd design a jersey with a skunk playing hockey on it.  He was amused for a second)

So today we learned that Luke is the same height as most emperor penguins.
Every morning first thing Taylor puts in Danen Kane as she gets dressed, brushes her teeth and makes her bed. She dances all the while of course. 
Olivia wouldn't smile this morning which is really not like her. It didn't last long but them I saw she has two upper molars peeking through. Explains her pacifier obsession the last few days.
Taylor: Luke, stop peeing so loud , you're gonna wake up Olivia. 
I was holding Olivia this morning, As I was talking to Taylor about her attitude and eye roll, and I look down and see Olivia pointing her finger at Taylor and she said, go! I thought to myself, "do I do that?" Then I saw my finger...really? Lol I seriously didn't think I pointed my finger. I know I say, Go! Lol I saw Olivia do that to Taylor before and assumed it was from Taylor. Lol
Olivia just woke up and I hear Taylor reading her an alphabet book and Olivia keeps saying, wooo weeee.
Olivia is trying to help me set up tables and chairs for life group. Scary. She knows what to do. She's pulling the legs out on the tables, then once I set the table up she went to get the folding chairs... Pushed tables and chairs around. I guess she's watched me every week, she's a smart cookie but scary how she thinks she can do everything! Yesterday she was on Luke's bed standing and bouncing and giggling. 
Luke is talking to Olivia about her anger
Taylor: Dear God, I just really want to thank you for this great day to just like hang out and fellowship together with mommy and daddy and as a family, in Jesus name I pray, Amen. (I think this was her shortest prayer in a VERY long time, but cracks me up how she uses the word fellowship)
(While eating lunch)
Taylor: I can't wait to meet Esther in heaven.
Luke: I can't wait to meet David. Mom, when can we go to heaven?
Taylor: Only God knows Luke. It's gonna be so much fun.

Luke: (to Taylor) You should never make fun of someone's name. That's one of the Ten Commandments.
Taylor: I know.
(The Lords name in vain?) lol

Taylor: (holding her real bible(no pictures) from Laura Ferry and Danny Ferry) Momma, I read my bible before I fell asleep for nap. Did you hear me? Yup I read from creation the whole way to Joseph and then I got tired.
I felt bad for Taylor because Olivia kept waking up crying last night but every time, I'd hear Taylor, "It's okay Livy, it's okay sweetheart" and then she'd sing to her until she'd fall asleep or until I'd come in. I'm not sure she was even completely awake.  #sweetgirl
Luke: Momma, I don't really like spankings but I know that being disciplined is gonna make me a better warrior for God. That's what my bible storybook said. Momma, when's Jesus coming back anyway cuz I'm ready for him to take care of satan.
(Yesterday we had a long discussion on the ways we can hear God, the bible and how we hear from the Holy Spirit, and how he created everything just by speaking, his questions are the best) #spiritualconvoswithluke #godswarrior

(Listening to Taylor and Luke play) Luke: I'm telling you Taylor I'm allergic to dolls and babies. I'm serious.
Taylor: You are not.
Luke: I'm not kidding. (I think he truly thinks he is as serious as he was lol)

Luke: Hey momma. Sharks are very different from fish. Fish have oxygen inside them that keeps them from sinking but sharks have big livers with lots of oil that help them from sinking and fish have bones but sharks don't and sharks eat each other. Isn't it crazy momma how God made everything so different? Like he just decided and said it and bam all these amazing creatures. We could never just make a great white. Gods just crazy.
Olivia just gave me her shoe and said "Shoe on, un huh", shook her head yes and pointed her foot at me. Lol
I love listening to Taylor sing worship songs as she falls asleep so far today it's been a sampling of Bless The Lord O My Soul, Blessed be your name, Waiting here for you, Glory to God and now she's singing "I love you Lord" over and over....  how God must love it.
Put Olivia down for nap yesterday and she said, Love you. 
Taylor: Oh my gosh mom, Elijah is seriously almost allergic to girls. Like, every time the girls get near him, he starts for real like coughing.
Luke: Taylor, he's just faking it.
Taylor: I don't think he is. I think he's seriously almost allergic.

Luke: can I have more appetizer?
Me: Have what?
Luke: Apple tizer.
Taylor: Apple Cider Luke!

I seriously never realized how much I said seriously until I had kids. Seriously a lot.
Olivia got a scratch on her leg and she kept pointing to it so I prayed for it and now she keeps saying, boo boo amen. 
And Olivia figured out how to open doors.  #notgood
Luke and Taylor decided that they want to build their houses next to ours when they get older so our families could always play together and share stuff.
Kids are in bed and I'm Listening to Taylor reading Esther to Olivia from her real niv bible. I hear her turning the pages. She's going into a lot of detail and drama.
So I told Luke to stay out of the mud with his brand new sneakers or just put his old ones on and when he came inside, I'd clean his shoes. He didn't want to change them so then after he came in I heard water running so I go into the bathroom to find him pumping hand soap inside them and filling them full of water. Lol
Daddy came home for a sec and he was giving kisses before he left and Olivia started puckering and making kissing sounds and then started kissing everyone. Lol 
So I'm thinking after this weeks sermon that we should put literal "Good Seed" and "Bad Seed" buckets in our home that we fill through out our day.
(Taylor watching rhythmic gymnastics)
Taylor: Momma, this girl lost her mommy and daddy.
Luke: Ih no, who would she live with?
Me: She would have to live with someone else.
Luke: But what if they're mean?
Taylor: And who would even do her hair. (Priorities lol)

Taylor: I love your birthday!
Luke: Did you like the presents we got you?
Me: Yes but you know what my very favorite present is?... That I get to be your momma and that God gave me you guys as my kids and daddy as my husband.
Luke: Momma, that's not good. We shouldn't be your very favorite present. Jesus dying on the cross for your sins should be your favorite present. You shouldn't worship us as idols.
Taylor: Relax Luke, she can like both.
Luke: But she should love God more. Anything else above God is an idol. (I love these kids)

We were talking about how God makes us like valuable jewels. Ezekiel 16:7a NLT(def don't go past a. Lol) and Luke starts talking about how God also made us like sheep, and how we get lost and need a shepherd which is Jesus. 
Passed an ambulance with its lights on and Luke and Taylor both prayed for the person in the ambulance that they would know Jesus and that God would heal them before they even got to the hospital and Olivia keeps saying Amen!
(Convo in car )
Kids: I wish we could live at the beach until we go to heaven.
Taylor: then we could see Jody every day! Jody Bair
Luke: she's a stinker pot.
Taylor: no she's not.
Luke: yes she is. She wrestles me like daddy wrestles me.
Taylor: I love Jody.

I walk into Taylor's room and Taylor's sitting on her bed with her shoe off and Luke is kneeling by her with his hand on her foot.
Me: What are you doing?
Luke: Taylor said her foot hurt so I'm praying for it.
Taylor: Isn't that nice momma?

I won't soon forget today. It was one of those days that will stick on my mind. I will probably laugh about it looking back but being that it's still today, I'm a little emotionally spent. Luke had to have a cherry angioma removed from his face and he did awesome and was very brave, but they had trouble getting it to stop bleeding so they kept cauterizing it and honestly I don't usually get grossed out but it started bothering me because of the smell and fact that it was my son. I had told Taylor not to watch but my original plan failed to distract her because Olivia was insisting to be held and I was also holding Luke's hand. Taylor passed out and hit the back of her head and was quite a mess. She turned really blue and I can't get that image out of my head and that it seemed to take forever until she woke up. She couldn't see me at first and was screaming when she woke up. Luke wasn't done and tried to sit up worried about Taylor. It was quite a scene. It took longer than expected so we hadn't had lunch which I think made matters for Taylor worse. She was emotionally a mess and remembers seeing all the blood which I didn't think she could see because Luke was up high on a table. I thought going to Cracker Barrel as a special treat would snap Taylor out of her mood but after I had the kids out of the car, she started screaming and crying that her head hurt and she just wanted to lay down. Then Luke started crying because we couldn't go there for him being so brave, then Olivia started screaming and crying because it seemed like the thing to do. The few minutes of screaming in the car passed, I almost cried myself but I was so relieved when we got chic fila and Taylor got some food/sugar in here and she felt better. Then they were praying for one another and sharing a kids meal with each other and Olivia and talking all about what happened. And Yesterday Olivia threw herself down because she didn't get something and got up with a bloody nose which bled quite a bit. The tough thing with her is she doesn't want to slow down. I've seen enough blood for 2 days. This kinda day reminds me that having kids makes my heart very vulnerable. Love them to pieces and it hurts to see them hurt. Was a little emotionally traumatized today. The amazing thing is God loves them more than I do and even though they are His, he trusts me take care of them for a short time. God help me. I would have done some things different today looking back.... Like eating an early lunch and making sure Taylor didn't see her brother bleeding but at the end of the day I'm just thankful I have them.
Taylor had her bible tonight and she was asked Luke bible trivia.
Taylor: Who was John the baptists father?
Luke: Zechariah
Taylor: Let me see if that's right. Right. (Pretending to check)
Taylor: Who became King Xerxes queen after Queen Vashti?
Luke: Esther.
Taylor: Let me see, right.
Taylor: Who told the storm to calm and it obeyed?
Luke: Jesus.
Taylor. Right.
Taylor: Who was eaten by a fish because he didn't obey God. Starts with a J.
Luke: Jonah.

A day later I can really be thankful for many things yesterday. We learned that numbing meds work on Luke! Praise The Lord he isn't like his momma in that way. We learned that Taylor doesn't do well with the sight of blood, needles, etc. Good to know for the future! So glad that it happened with a nurse right there who knew what to do and that made things way easier for me. Olivia didn't flip out when Taylor did. Luke didn't see Taylor unconscious. (Which is what bothered me) It's over. Everyone is fine and it's hilarious to hear Taylor talk about it and Luke's proud of himself for how brave he was. And I love that they pray for each other and love each other so much.
Taylor's thrilled because Olivia just said sissy really clear .
Last night we were eating ice cream cake and Olivia was mooching off of Taylor and I and by the time we finished Nick sat down to eat his. She kept opening her mouth wide for Taylor and I and I told her it was all-lee-all. She kept pointing to my bowl, saying ut-oh, all-lee-all, then running to Nick hitting his leg, signing more and saying, uh-huh and opening her mouth wide. She repeated it over and over until Nick was done.
Taylor: when is it gonna be Christmas?
Me: Why?
Taylor: cuz I miss Lea.

We go to Community Bible Study on Wednesdays and last year Luke talked a lot about a Spanish speaking boy in his class and how he doesn't understand him and it seemed to frustrate him because there wasn't many boys in the class. Now this year, Luke pretends to speak Spanish while he's playing and wants to learn it. Wednesday, he started telling me some Spanish words this boy taught him. I asked how he was learning the words and he said he asked him. Lol How cute is that?
Taylor: Look mama, I do arabesques when I open doors.  #shedancesthroughlife
I love that Luke and Taylor get SO excited for story time every day. I told them they could pick from their school books today and Luke literally started jumping up and down. 
I think it's crazy that Luke and Taylor were looking at their candy and remember what pieces they got from who. Crazy kids.
After Olivia bit her lip when she tripped Luke and Taylor immediately prayed for her. And Luke couldn't get over how tough she is because she barely cries. But the best part was when we were praying over the kids, Olivia hugged Taylor and "prayed" over her, babble sounding just like a prayer and then she said amen and gave her a kiss.  precious.
Olivia just said, "Thank you mommy" when I gave her a cracker. 
Luke and Taylor have been collecting little bits of change, mostly pennies and they've decided to combine their stashes to see if they would have enough to go eat at Chilli's. Lol
Olivia is cracking me up today . She just gave me crayons and paper, pointed her finger at me, said sit and then said Please and handed me a crayon. Lol
I was changing Olivia and she said, "Ewww, that stinks, poo wee", held her nose with one hand and started waving her hand with the other. Lol (exactly what Taylor does)
The hockey helmet has become a permanent fixture on Luke's head. I caught him "checking" himself in all his gear up against the window watching himself in the reflection.
Olivia just pulled up a chair for me, said, SIT Momma DRAW and handed me a crayon. Lol
Kids folded a whole load of towels for me without being asked and they were teaching Olivia how to fold them too. #sosweet #theyweresoproud
Last night we asked Livy if she wanted to pray for Taylor. She went over to Taylor, hugged her and started whispering like she was praying, said amen, then kissed her. Nick and I cracked up. So cute.
It was so cute that Olivia gave Turner a kiss last night. Seriously, she adores him. 
Taylor: momma, how many times am I gonna dance?
Me: What do you mean? Like in your life?
Taylor: yeah, in my life.
Me: I don't know, why?
Taylor: well I wanna dance until I'm 99, then I'll probably be old and stop.

Went to get Olivia up from nap and she said, "I'm sleeping" with a big grin on her face.  I often say, Are you still sleeping? Then this morning Taylor wanted to watch her nutcracker ballet and Olivia kept pointing to the tv and saying "ballet!"  she was ordering us around to "sit, color and draw" too.
The lady bug named Jesus stayed in its plush habitat all day yesterday but this morning he's gone.
This morning I woke up to the sound of tracing paper and coloring. Def a change from hockey on the laminate. #morningboy
Kids are counting in Spanish this morning and Olivia is trying to join them.  Taylor's been teaching her john 3:16 too. 
Olivia has Taylor's purse over her shoulder, she's telling us all bye bye, hugging us and trying to get out the door. Lol
Luke: mama, first there was Adam and Eve, then the people who rode those old trains and hockey players with no helmets, now there's us.
Luke: (bedtime thoughts by Luke Bair) so like before Jesus died and people killed animals for their sins, were they thinking they were sharing with God? Cause I don't think God needs dead animals, he's God.  #lovehowhethinks
Taylor and Luke: Olivia said she wants her ears pierced.
Me: How did she say that?
Taylor: we asked her and she said yes.
Luke: She did mom

Last day of kindergarten 12.12.13!!!!!! I got out of the shower and the kids had gotten their stuff out and completed almost all of their work for the day. Then they made my bed!
Apparently Olivia watched me clean the toilet today because I saw her go into our bathroom, lift the lid, get out the toilet bowl cleaner, and was acting like she was pouring it in the toilet. Then she was looking at a book with some illustrations in it and she saw a ballerina and said, mama, BALLET!!!!  She doesn't miss a thing. Nick and I were saying, seems like she understands everything everyone is saying and doing and she wants to be a part of it all. 
Luke played a video of two baby lambs on the tablet and Olivia said, "Awe, baaa baaas, sooooo cute, awe!"
(I asked Nick what he thought of something I bought and saw his expression...)
Me to Nick: Don't say anything smart.
Luke: Daddy is not smart!
(We had just been discussing the multiple meanings of smart but nick about choked on his drink:))

It's amazing to think that Jesus willingly left heaven where he was lord of all, with powerful angels obeying his commands and saints worshipping him, in a place of splendor and peace, to humbly be born as a helpless infant in a stable knowing he would suffer persecution, rejection and a horrible death, all to follow Gods plan to save us and give us life. At any moment he could have called it off and an army of angels would have saved him but he didn't, he suffered and died that we may have the chance to choose him and live. If that isn't love, I don't know what is. I pray that what Jesus did provides my heart with enough wonder and amazement to far outweigh any holiday traditions or substitutes of this world. Jesus you are enough for me.


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